Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Now I only have one more final (an EASY final) and I am home free! or should I say, California free!
The Day We Leave
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
- Pack for a two and a half week vacation
- Run stuff up to dad in Canton
- Ride horses at one
- Clean Diane's office
- Study for Finals
- Clean the Motorhome
- Leave my room spotless
- Obtain a hay bale for the goat and deer
- Get bird cage ready
- Make an attempt to take deep breaths and not freak out over my lost camcorder charger.
- among other things.....
Monday, July 26, 2010
Steve and Sandra
Hi, my name is Sandra! I am the newest addition to the Davidovics Zoo. I am a weanling Nigerian Dwarf Pygmy Goat! |
Steve can be very funny sometimes when he shakes his head and runs toward Rebekah. Rebekah says he is very difficult to photograph because all he wants to do is lick her leg. |
Sometimes Steve is a little mean to me. He loves Rebekah so much, he is jealous when I come close to her and he kicks me. |
I forgive him, though, because he always makes sure I'm still following. It's hard for me to keep up with him because he has such long legs and mine are short. |
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This wheelchair has to do with physical therapy so I stuck it in. |
Well, I'm at home now, but will have to return to school in about an hour for medical terminology. I have to give a dumb presentation using at least five medical terms. yuck.
Why I walk
Today is my second to last day of school for this summer! YAY! Unfortunately it is also the day of practicals. Here's the unfortunate part: I was sick all weekend and did not get one chance to practice!!! AHHH!!! Even as I write this, the morning of the practical, I'm not feeling 100%, and they expect me to do alot of heavy lifting! On top of that, I got one of the worst time slots and the harder teacher. At least my partner is good. I am just going to need alot of prayer for today and hopefully, with God's help, I'll make it through.
I didn't go on the walk today because I thought I would be completely swamped with things to do to prepare for today, but they surprisingly went by really fast and now I am missing the morning walk with the ladies. Recently, I was speaking with some girls and they wondered why on earth would I want to join in on these walks. I did not have an answer for them at the time, but now I've thought of one. It is because of the conversation. You see, these ladies have been through a whole lot more of life than I have, and, frankly, they are much wiser. I learn so much hearing about their mistakes, fortunes, and spiritual walks. I feel so fortunate that I have a group of women that I can look up too and learn from that I know have come from a great background and all love Christ very much. Plus, by going on the walks I can be up-to-date on all the recent news in the family and church.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The Young Group and Vacation Prep

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Current River Vacation
As for the good news: our Current river trip was a success! We arrived to the campground and began looking for a spot right away. Montauk State Park is very competitve and, though we had great luck last year, we were not expecting much this time around. As if to just tickle our minds, what camping spot should be available but the exact same one we stayed at last year! Directly on the river, plenty of sun and shade, and clean! Then, to boggle our minds even more, our neighbor informed us that he would be pulling out the next day! This was exactly what happened last year! So, as far as camping spots went we were very lucky to have our whole group together and be on the creek.
On Thursday we took it easy and spent our time crawdad hunting, fishing, reading, and enjoying the slow paced life of camping. Friday, Jeff, Karin, Heath, Jordan (Jeff's daughter), Anni, Ryan, Steven and I went on a canoe trip. This one was intense as everyone aside from Heath had a water gun! If it was a hot day, none of us could tell as we were contantly being drenched in the cool refreshing spring water from the Current River. Saturday was more tame as all the oldies came with. We took the pace slow and enjoyed the scenary and jovial mood of the people around us. For lunch on Saturday, we stopped at the perfect cliff diving spot which was alot of fun to watch as people launched themselves off the cliff in every funny way possible. Sunday was a big day as we packed up and left for home. The plan was to stop at Six Flags on the way and spend the day there. Alas, however, a huge storm rolled in, with all it's thunderous and rainy glory, just as we came to the gate at the entrance to the theme park. Saddened by the gloom we decided to continue as planned anyway. It took quite a while to get into the parking lot for Six Flags as the employees apparently had no idea how to open the gate. We laughed as we watched them try multiple keys, run to retrieve multiple people, shake, kick, and yell at the gate, and finally open it. Around 11:30 the rain cleared up and it turned out to be one of the best days at Six Flags one could ever imagine! Crowds were tiny and lines were minimal. We hit nearly all the rollercoasters in the morning with time to spare!
Well, needless to say we were all pretty exausted by the end of the day. Throughout the ride home everyone relaxed totally. It was a great way to finish a great trip!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Jenis's filly
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010
Thank God For Mornings!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Rachel's Wedding
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Sore and hurt Janitor
Yesterday’s big events: vaulting and cleaning Diane’s house. At vaulting I felt as though I was going through a full hour work out. Either the tricks were tough or I’m out of shape. A glance toward the other weary vaulters at the end confirmed that it was the former. The routine we are practicing is not an easy one. There is only one spot in the whole thing where there isn’t at least one person standing. To make things more difficult, during August we have two shows with two completely separate groups of vaulters, and most of us will be leaving on vacation for several weeks right before. The stress of this situation can be seen very clearly on Karin’s face. Nevertheless, we enjoy our time together doing what we love to do. It’s hard, but we plow through.
Now, for Diane’s house: I have been bestowed the job of janitorial services for both my Aunt Diane’s house and office. Yesterday, I planned on cleaning it after vaulting, but I just couldn’t resist the cool blue waters of her lake. Well, before going into the house, I had to dry of course, for at least an hour. It was so relaxing on that beach that I just couldn’t pull myself away. Well, I did at one thirty and got going on my duties. I won’t lie, it was pretty difficult to look outside and see a whole bunch of my relatives soaking up the sun and swimming to their heart’s contentment. I purposed not to think of it and not to feel sorry for myself. Continuing on I got to washing windows. She has a porch that overlooks the lake and most of the time I clean the sliding door windows and kitchen windows on the outside there too. I’m washing as fast (and as thorough) as I can to avoid being seen and scorching my feet when I feel an awful burning sting on my right inner thigh. A wasp. I ran into the house to grab a cool wet rag on the wound. Ok, so I’m not usually a baby about these things. With bee stings I just pull out the stinger and go on my merry way. This was a lot different. It hurt like the dickens and the weirdest thing is the muscles around it went sort of went into a tetanus state, where the muscles contract and don’t de-contract. Anyway, if I was feeling sorry for myself before, I was certainly feeling bad now.
On a happier note: all the girl cousins came over and we had a slumber party in our newly renovated, empty apartment. The evening began with an hour and a half of cooking (always a great bonding experience) which was well worth it when we finally sat down to eat. Chicken baked in a creamy sweet sauce, twice baked potatoes filled with cheddar cheese and bacon bits, steamed vegetables with TONS of cheese (an instant hit), a delightful salad, and, of course, IBC root beer. After cleaning up the supper mess we jumped right into the other activities planned, which included silly jump rope routines and, due to the huge mirror covering almost one whole side of the living room, dancing. Dancing is not something that we ever do as we do not attend high school dances or parties or anything of the sort (who would want to with such great church activities to go to instead? Seriously.) It was a lot of fun because none of us know how to dance, but we were all comfortable enough with each other that we plain out didn’t care. All in all, it was a great slumber party.
Ok, so you know how I’m riding a purebred Friesian mare in the N. IL. Horse fest? Wynne? Well, it’s been decided that I’m going to wear my Halloween costume from a few years ago. Want to know what the costume was? A fifty dollar old fashioned wedding dress!!!! I’m so excited the dress is so beautiful and on the horse it will look so good. I can’t wait. Hopefully Wynne doesn’t get too scared of having bunches of white material flowing all over on her back and down her rump. We will see.
This is the dress on Sarah Reinhard. It will be to die for when on that horse.
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010
Vaulting on Horseback
Blessings to be Joyful About
I know I should be a tad bit upset at this point. It would be normal for me to feel cranky because I’ve been thrown back into reality with nothing but memories of time well spent and a lot of sore muscles. I must be strange because I honestly feel very happy today, despite the poor weather and circumstances.
If you did not know, we, as in my family, Steve, the deer, and a very large sum of my relatives, spent Fourth of July weekend at my aunt and uncle’s lake. Norris Lake is amazing. It is perched high up on a plateau of its own about thirty or so feet high. There are hardly any trees to block the glorious view of sky and miles of corn and bean fields that are so characteristic of this great state of Illinois. When up there, you really feel isolated in the best way in that it feels as if nothing in the world exists except for you, the sky, and the lake. We left late Thursday morning and stayed till Sunday evening. It may seem like a long time to spend on a single camping trip, but we had plenty to do! Norris Lake has a water slide, rope swing, volleyball court, beautiful beach, fishing docks, and a lovely pavilion among other things. It was just a great weekend of fun and family! And, no worries, I documented most of it and will have a video up shortlyJ.
The picture below is of Norris. This was taken awhile ago during a big storm and is the only photo I have of it. I have plenty of videos, just one picture.
Besides the fact that I have just come off of a superb weekend, I have other reasons to be joyful. Last night, late after the fireworks, I came home to an unbelievable surprise. A large envelope to me sat on the table. On the front it had an ICC stamp on it, so I assumed it was just some announcement about an educational workshop that I would never bother to go to, but I opened it anyway. The first word on the letter within was “Congratulations”! I think my heart actually stopped for a second when I read on to find that I had been awarded with a scholarship of a substantial amount of $1000! All day I’ve felt completely dumbfounded at why God would chose to bless me with this. I already am completely financially stable due to a dog bite when I was three. The dog’s owner’s insurance company is sending me a check every year for four years which does more than cover my cheap ICC tuition, and now this! Right next to the joy that I feel right now is a burdensome feeling to match it. I know that God has a reason for these blessings and I just pray that I will follow His will no matter what. I won’t say I am not a bit afraid of the responsibility this brings and that I’m not asking God “why me”. We will see what time brings and what His plan is. I am so glad that I can trust that He is all powerful, all wise, and all good. I have wanted very badly to go on a mission trip next summer, so perhaps that is what I am to do. I will be praying.
I guess I should mention one other reason why I’m not bummed that the weekend is over: no school. Today is our only holiday for the summer and I love the fact that I only have one day of school this week. Is that sad, or what! I really do enjoy school and I am glad for the structure it brings to my summer, but I can’t say I don’t love being home more.
Perhaps I am not strange for feeling joyful today.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Learning to be Patient
Anyway, I had a short bit of time home before I had to rush off to vaulting. As we walked into the barn, my aunt, Karin hits us dead in the face with news that we only have a couple of practices with the Reinhards. So Karin is stressed, which is never good. I can't say much for the practice.
I had another very short time at home only to be whisked away to church. I am ashamed to say that I had no pleasure in going and no intention of listening. I was a dragon of fury at this point. Well, it was one of those sermons. The kind that you just know God had prepared just for you. Bill Schick gave it and at one point he looks at us in the front and said that us young kids can't understand this concept yet, but "learn to be thankful for the hard times". That struck a chord with me that would ring loudly for a long time afterward. I know that yesterday was a day to learn patience and gratitude. After the sermon and after realizing I had so much to be thankful for, my attitude changed. If you know Jessica and Janelle, you can ask them how goofy I was after church. What can I say, finding out that I was being tested for a whole day and then having God explain to me afterwards what it was all about leaves me in a state of utmost and highest joy!