Whoa! Lookout world! She’s actually posting on her blog!
I had some good reasons for not posting:
1. The longer the time since my last post the more I felt I would have to fill my audience (Judy and Grandma, I know its you!) in and the larger and more daunting of a task it became.
2. I recently heard of an engagement story where the man, before he asked for her read her entire blog! They’re happily engaged now (along with all the millions of others lately) but the thought of a brother reading all the nonsense that I write down made me question the whole blogging thing entirely. (I realize that’s basically impossible, but it does make you wonder about how much you want your life on the web)
3.I have this book…journal….er…..ok call it a diary, I don’t care, that has lasted me four years and I have seemed to form a strange sort of attachment to it. If I ever record any events of my life, I feel sorry for it and have to share those same stories within it’s pink, flowered pages. So, for awhile I was writing everything down twice and got plain out tired of it.
Well, now that I think of it, when I blog it’s more of the cut and dry events that take place, and that diary is my feelings toward those events…so here I am!
Ok, on to the good stuff:
Let me fill you in on who I am now a days:
- My hair is layered and a good deal shorter in some areas than I’m used to, but still long to most standards. (I’ll never be able to really cut it…I’m too attached to it!)
- My car has a back tail light out
- I rearranged my room recently and added a precious window frame mirror that Jesse Pence gave me…I’ll post pictures when I find my camera.
- I recently went to Gulf Shores with my family over Thanksgiving (for which I do have pictures:
- (See more on Facebook) and I’m am suuuuuuper excited to go on a cruise with my cousins in 8 days!
- My FAVORITE thing right now is going to Matt and Lisa Waibel’s on Tuesdays (more on that later)
- I’m obsessed with Pinterest.com
- I’m really into living frugally lately. Perhaps that’s because I have a whoppin $81.00 to my name right now, but actually, it’s something I’ve been doing for a long time now. I haven’t purchased anything for myself outside of absolute necessity (and even then it HAS to be on sale or a hand-me-down) since last spring. Where has my money gone you ask? (besides spending on young group, mission trips, car repairs, and the kids at the Waibel’s) This brings me to the next point about how I spend my time:
- I picked terrible friends that all live around an hour away. One day I’ll quit this bad habit of driving so much….the day when I quit loving my friends….the day when pigs sprout wings. But in all seriousness, just like that….book….I’ve seemed to have developed an attachment with my car. This summer it spent two days at the mechanic’s after I hit a raccoon and I actually got teary eyed when I got it back. That car has gone through many emotional breakdowns, spiritual revelations, and very embarrassing, but very fun jam sessions, that it’s become a special place for me. Which brings me to another point:
- I feel more at home in my car than in my parent’s house. Please, before another word is said, don’t think that for a second that my family is even a hair away from being totally loving and supportive and wonderful. I will be the first to say that these feelings are my own fault for spending so much time away this semester. Nevertheless for whoever’s fault it is, this is a true fact. A year ago, I would’ve been the first to say that it’s more sensible to live with your parents after college because it’s so cheap, but now, I can’t help but feel anxious and really excited to move out. Again, this brings me to my next point:
- I find myself referring to everything as Mom’s in my mind, “Mom’s house, Mom’s coffee maker, Mom’s microwave, Mom’s kids, Mom’s blankets, Mom’s family, Mom’s life”. I know it’s a bad habit because I have this terrible tendency to be jealous of her and pretty much any other married woman that has her own home and family. I think that’s why I want to move out and why I don’t really feel “at home” in my house…it’s not mine, none of it is. Sure, I’m a part of it, but more as an accessory in Mom’s life. I do not resent any of this, I am simply aware of the fact that this is a temporary situation and one day I’ll start building my own little home and family and life, Lord willing.
- I can’t think of a good flow for this next point so I’m just going to insert it here and see how it goes. Like I said before, my favorite thing is the Waibel’s. This semester the ICC/BU YG started what we like to call TNT or Tuesday Night Tutoring (came up with that one myself). Basically what we do is about an hour or so of tutoring sessions in which a young group member will pair off with a kid for one on one time, then some singing, Bible lessons (split the younger and older kids), and a meal. I have come to ADORE those kids more than anything I’ve ever loved (more than icecream and peanut butter
) I won’t even begin to describe the type of lives they lead as 5-14 year olds, but I will say that my heart is nearly torn every week. Yet I return because, though their stories bring sadness, and though they can be the most awful behaved children that you want to ring each one of their necks till they learn some respect, there is something about them that makes me feel like if someone would just believe in them and spend the one on one time with them that they crave that they could break out of the chains of their victim minded culture and change the world. Inspirational movies and books always say that changing the world happens one little act of kindness at a time. It’s cheesy, but I believe there is truth in it. Yeah, logically , I realize, the world probably won’t change, but it can’t hurt to give a little love to kids who need it. And anyway, I really do love them. I can’t describe it, but I can feel it deep down inside every time I see them. Excuse the analogy, but the feeling is similar to having a crush. You know, those butterflies you get when the guy you like walks into the room and looks right at you and maybe he smiles a little crooked smile and you could believe right there and then that you’ve found “the one”. It’s like that feeling, but so much stronger that it compels me to want to take actions. Seeing those kids and feeling that kind of love drives me to want to do everything and anything to make the world better for them. It’s my favorite thing on earth, and it’s exhausting. They are loud and wild. Which brings me to the next point (look it flows again!)
- I am so thankful for the ICC/BU Young Group. Each member of the group have proven themselves to be exceptionally extraordinary Christians and I am totally privileged to work with them. TNT would not exist if it weren’t for the young group’s faithfulness in showing up every week to serve the Lord when there are other things going on. I’m really very impressed with my generation overall. Despite my complaints of immaturity at times, I have seen so many instances of selfless service to the Lord’s work that it’s almost become expected. I just realized the other day the amount of time and effort and energy and money that some college kids put into things like prayer groups through the night b/c that’s when Satan is the strongest or buying Bibles and driving all over the place to hand deliver them and pray and talk with the person receiving them with hope that fire’s will be sparked or taking time out of their busy schedule to teach squirmy 9 year olds how to add and subtract. The young group is full of amazing people.
More on myself:
- Another strange infatuation with inanimate objects comes from my love of my guitar. I’ve been “playing guitar” since I was 11, but I never really tried to get better or enjoyed it until this summer. Now I can hardly put it down. You should see my finger callouses, they’re sick!
- I’m just now realizing how self centered this post is getting. “more on myself” Really, Rebekah?
How about some more pictures?
this is my white board in October. You you think that’s bad, you should see December. It’s practically entirely black with memos and events.
Events like Deer butchering in Roanoke in November:
That was the biggest buck Landon had ever shot. 14 points, 140 or 160 lbs (I don’t remember) I do, however, remember how excited he was showing it to everyone.
It was a fun, but cold evening. Luckily it ended with Rich’s famous hot chili. mmm.
Ryan got his first deer this year…not as big as Landon’s, but he was just as excited all the same.
And the halloween party was…creative, as always. The costumes are so great, and they get better every year.
Oh, look, my fan club! I would like to thank my readers for your devotion and loyalty, both of you!
Oh, merciful! I’d almost forgotten! I got to see Steve at his new home in Roanoke. He’s gotten so big and his antlers were all hard and mature looking. He was still the sweetest boy you’d ever seen and licked me till I was sopping with his slobber. He has such a lovely home with the Leman’s, and they are actually legal to keep him. I’m so thankful to have found this place for him!
Otherwise, I will say, life has been rather…interesting with the recent news of the engagements of MANY of my friends. I almost posted on facebook last week that nobody better get engaged this Sunday. I was glad I didn’t when I found out Sam is going to marry Seth Kieser. Phrases like, “another one bites the dust” and “caught the bug” and words like “epidemic” have come to mind. But, no, really I’m very happy for all of them and wish them God's blessings for wonderful lives together. And I really can’t wait for all the weddings in the near future! I seriously love weddings. It’s just a beautiful thing to have the privilege of witnessing the joining of two lives to become one under God. After all, humans were created FOR unity, ultimately and primarily with Jesus . But, I do believe that marriage is a very complete and very lovely analogy of that union, that God established it so we might better understand how intimate and personal and glorious our relationship with Him should be. It's really quite a gift if you think of it….not that I know that much about marriage seeing as I am….well…not married.
Anyway, it is the eve of Christmas eve….well actually no, it 12:42 at night on Christmas eve and I am anticipating doing absolutely nothing but open presents and eat good food tomorrow so I should probably try to sleep a little at least.
Thanks for your patience with my not posting and then posting such a long post….
Good Night Judy and Grandma! and any one else who might be reading this….Karin, Rachel (maybe, if she is having a slow time with photography) David Sceggel (which still surprises me that you’ve ever read my blog)