Wednesday, April 20, 2011

You thought I forgot about the blog, didn’t you

No, I have not given up on the blog nor forgotten of it. I’ve just been very busy.

On the mission trip I got into a discussion with some of the ICC young group committee members about attendance to the young group functions. They were all quite upset and deeply offended that they put so much work into the events and to have no one show up. When I told them why I didn’t come (kind of busy) they said, yeah, you and everyone else. I thought about it and realized that I’m not really that busy, just making excuses. They went on to say that there won’t be a young group next year….Hold on a second! I know I’m not the most supportive, I thought, but I love having the option of going. So, I decided to make more of an effort to go. That and the fact that on the mission trip some great friendships developed that I am not willing to let put by the way side.

So that brings me to what I’ve been doing the past 5 weeks since the mission trip.

Mondays- Clinical at OSF. I leave home a 7:00 in the morning and finish there at 4:30. Bible Study with the ICC young group is at 7:00 p.m. at ICC so to save gas I usually drive straight there and spend two hours studying, or if I don’t have much to work on, go out to eat with whoever from the young group is there. Then Bible study lasts till 8:00 or so and we have a singing after that which lasts anywhere from 9:30 to 10:00. If I didn’t go out to eat before Bible study, there is another group that goes after. When I go with them I don’t get home until 12:00.

Tuesdays- PTA school from 8:00 to 12:00 then I head over to the East Peoria campus to eat lunch with young group kids and have my Communications class at 1:00-2:15. I’ve just recently started going to South Side mission after that (ICC YG plans an activity for the kids and brings a snack) that means I have to hang around ICC for about an hour or so before it starts….which is no problem to me because it is great studying time! Volleyball starts at 7:00 either at Herman’s barn or Strietmatter’s, but I’ve only gone twice. If I go to v-ball I’ll get home around 11:00 pm, if not: 6:30

Wednesdays- PTA school from 8:00 to 12:00 again, then its home for me! This is a good relaxing time to do homework before going to church. ICC YG does what is called church rotation. What we do is go to a different central Illinois (AC) church every Wednesday and then to someone’s house afterwards. This is probably my favorite ICC YG function because you can meet so many new people! For example: last week we went to Tremont and I met a lady (Jullianne something) who is Emily Rickett’s (a friend of Judy Sceggel’s) aunt and who was good friends with Joan Rienhard and Karin and Rachel Sauder! She was a great lady to talk to and I’m so glad to have met her! Anyway, I don’t usually get home until 12:00 on Wednesdays.

Thursdays- PTA school: 8-12 again and then, just like on Tuesdays, I head over to East Campus for lunch and Communications. By Thursday I usually am about ready to collapse standing up so I don’t do anything on these evenings besides homework.

Fridays- This is my easy day. I don’t have to go to school until 9:00 and, feeling refreshed from an early night’s sleep, I usually try to go on the Walk with my aunts before school. After school lets out at 12 I’m free to go home for the afternoon. In the evening I go to Peoria Young Group functions like Bible Studies and such. If Peoria isn’t doing anything, I’ll go to Roanoke Young Group things. It’s a long drive, but I meet Emily Kieser half way and we go together. I’m lucky if I get home by 12:00.

Saturday- Cleaning day!!!! and Peoria Young Group in the evenings. Recently on Saturdays we have done a Brother’s Appreciation dinner (which was great!!!!!!!) and last weekend we went to Medieval Times for the day. That was to finish up our Knights and Princesses of the Kingdom Bible Study series and was a blast!

Sunday- Church. and I hate to confess, but I get my best homework done on Sunday afternoons. The Meister side of the family has started playing volley ball at the lake in the evening. I’ve gone once.

So there you have it! If I’m not at school or a YG function I’m studying. If I’m not studying I’m catching up on sleep. Blog time….doesn’t really fit in there. Things will slow down soon though when school lets out and ICC YG takes a break for the summer (which I disapprove of)