Ok, Judy, I'm updating. lol
Well, last weekend we took a 6 and a half hour trip in the Sauder's van to Kentucky to see the World Equestrian Games. These Games are kind of a big deal for us to be attending because normally they would be across seas. The fact that they were only 6 hours away from us made it an easy decision to go.
We got to the campground after dark and blundered around trying to set up camp. The tent for the younger girls took forever to set up as we kept putting the wrong poles in the wrong slots. We all felt a little dumb when a man from the neighboring camper came to ask if we need help. Its not like this was our first time. Anyway, it was a good thing he came, for there was a missing crank on Rachel's pop up and he happened to have the same one.
The next morning we had a hearty breakfast of pancakes, eggs, and bacon and then our group of 11 hauled out to attend the games. It wasn't until we came to the parking lot that I realize how big this thing really is. Cars stretched for what seemed for ever. We were lucky to get a decent spot and on a shuttle bus quickly. We found an outdoor arena with some bleachers and a big crowd so we sat down to watch the show. The quality of these demonstrations was so much better than what I was used to and I just sat there dazzled. Funny, because this wasn't even the stuff you had to buy a ticket for.
The stuff you buy a ticket for was at four o'clock and about a mile and half (or so it seemed) walk from where we were. Seriously, this place is HUGE and if you want to get anywhere you had to walk crazy distances. The worst part was, there were golf carts zipping around. Their drivers passed by us with smug looks on their faces as their hair flew in the cool breeze. We were able to flag one down to give us a ride.
Anywho, the shows we paid to see were all vaulting. We saw two team freestyles and one singles freestyle. (if you don't know what all that means, google it). All I can say is that they were unbelievable. I couldn't believe that I was actually seeing real professional vaulting. The only chances I get to see it otherwise is in bad quality Youtube videos! These people did high up stunts, flips over eachother, flexibility moves that left you scratching your head, and impossible strength moves. We came out of every show completely inspired. In fact, Jessica has decided not to quit our team (I think) and I decided I'm going to come out of retirement and rejoin. Its such a cool sport that I just can't help it.
All in all, it was a blast to spend all that time with the girl cousins and our favorite aunts Karin and Rachel, who, by the way, competed to earn the title of "favorite" by showering us with free breakfasts and frosties, which we didn't mind in the least. I have a video made, but our internet is too slow to upload it. There are some pictures on Rachel Sauder's blog.
Thanks Rebekah, FINALLY an update!!!!