I know many blog posts that start out with this line, and though I do hate to be repetitive, it is really the only thing I know to say right now: blogging is the last thing I should be doing right now. There I said it.
We just got back from our women’s volleyball league games. Amy had made us Team Meister tee shirts, each with our own names on them. They were so gorgeous that we just had to play well to do them justice. And that’s what we did, played very hard and ended up winning all six of the games. We all felt so victorious especially after coming off such a long day and having played so many games. We had to celebrate with ice cream at Mcdonalds. Snack sized mcflurries. Of course we all missed Karin so much. She was sick tonight.
The reason today was so long was because it was Jodi Keiser and Fred Lamen’s wedding today. Oh, I do so ever love a good wedding. The church is always full to the brim with people from at least 16 different churches all across america (I counted). Seeing the sanctuary packed is such a heart warming sight. And there is something about the atmosphere on wedding days. The very air just permeates festivity and joy. A sense of celebration can be seen on every smiling face as old friends are reunited and new friends are made all due to the joining of two very lovely and in love people. The most beautiful part however is just knowing that Jodi and Fred have already made a more important commitment in their lives, one to our Lord and Savior and Father and Friend Jesus Christ and because of that first relationship there can be great hope for this new one. I truly wish them every blessing.
Now, though I do love to see the church packed in such a special way, it was crazy trying to serve at lunch today. Well, first off, we got out of the first service and headed towards the lunch room to sit down and have a prayer before eating. With our heads bowed we listen as Mark Keiser, the father of the bride, blesses the food and all of the sudden an ear peircing siren blasts forth. I believe poor Mark was caught off guard, for he continued praying for a little before realizing what was going on. Then Tim Funk, the elder instructed that we all need to stay calm, and exit the building as there will be firetrucks on their way. Oh my word, why on this day! There had to be at least six hundred people in that church that were now to file out to the lawn calmly. Not to mention that it was lunch time and they were sure to be hungry. We got outside and after a few minutes told we could go back in. The word memorable came to mind. Poor Jodi and Fred, I bet that caused a little worry. But anyway, so that set the agenda for the day off a bit and I was to serve second shift. I didn’t know when that started now. I was talking and socializing when I looked at our table and mom, who was to serve with me was busy working away. Woops. I joined her and would for the next thirty or so minutes work non stop. I hadn’t had the chance to eat yet due to the crowds and was rushing around so much I had quite the dizzy spell at one point. A future doctor was sitting at the table and I thought if I pass out it wouldn’t be a big deal. Just kidding! That was just one of those silly scenarios that went through my head in all the business. Mom and I did worry some about being able to finish cleaning up in time for the wedding. Luckily we did make it in time to sing number 212 out of the Zions Harp (a real tear jerker and memory bringer upper of a song) and see the bridal party enter the sanctuary with all their smiles and tears and pure loveliness. Have I mentioned yet that I loooooove weddings?
So now I am trying to come back to earth and remember my everyday routine. I know I have school tomorrow, and, oh I cannot forget that quiz! It’s on the shoulder skeleton, joints, and muscles, a real doozy. Then there is the online classes that I have to take and I sure hope I have no tests coming up….
Porky the pig: th-th-th-th-That’s All Folks!
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