This is probably my favorite day of spring. Every year for a mother’s day present to Grandma, the Meister family all gets together and cleans up and does landscaping around her house. We usually do some weeding in the sand volleyball court, mulch around all the many beautiful trees in her yard, pick up sticks and branches, mow and weedwack, clean windows and the basement porch, and the men work on all the “mens work” that needs to be done.
This year we gathered together around 9:00 in the morning worrying about the forecast of rain, but as it turns out, the weather was fantastic! It was sunny and breezy and just plain out ideal in every way. A lot of the Sceggel’s came, even Phil and Anna with their new baby, some of Spark and Rhonda’s family came, the Sauders, My family, the Schicks, and Amy and Jared were there. So it was definitely a fun and hard working group. Actually we sort of ran out of work towards the end so some of the girls went in to do some inside cleaning.
Grandma provided the lunch for the large work crew. We had lots of good pizza. And, yes, we did play volleyball which is to be expected. I dropped out pretty quickly though to let others play and to video tape and because I’m just not really good enough to play with them. I don’t mind not playing though, especially when there are so many sweet new baby’s to hold. Anna had Braelyn there and Tara had little Jane there as well.
Everyone pretty much cleared out after lunch, but Jessica, Anni, and I just had to take advantage of the great sun bathing weather. Its actually starting to become a tradition to sunbathe and swim and hang out around the lake on Mother’s day because it has always been the first warm day of the year and we are all together. Maybe that’s why I love it so much. So we started out on Grandma’s porch but got hot and moved down to the lake to stick our feet in. I was so tempted to jump in but I didn’t have a swimming suit. As we sat there we watched Ryan jump in the lake at the Sauders while Logan and Steven stood on the dock.
I would have been fine with just lying in the sun there all day, but Jess and Anni got bored so we took a walk to see the new baby horses. Of course all the while this was going on we had some great conversations. I really enjoy having some awesome girls to be so close to that I can tell them everything no matter what.
We stopped at Grandma’s house to get drinks of water. She was just starting to settle down for the afternoon so we sat down on her couch and had a little heart to heart with her about marriage. Her wisdom and good advice was so great to hear. I cannot possibly express how much I appreciate having her and many other older women who have such awesome hearts for God around who are willing and loving enough to talk to me about some of the bigger issues in life. And Grandma, if you’re reading this: Thanks so much! I love you! Happy Mother’s day!
my video is UP, where is YOURS!!!