On the weekend of July 4th ( I know, it was forever ago, bear with me) some of the Princeville girls invited the ICC YG girls out to a Lake house in Oak Run to spend the night. It was such a blast to just be silly and have fun with these girls.
We played a goofy game called Headbanz….you have to guess with ‘yes or no’ questions what’s on your head.
And, of course being a girls night out, we had to do make overs with pedicures, massages, and face masks.
Below is Katie Schick pealing off her facial mask
My favorite part was the singing:
On Friday night I inquired as to what time we should wake up for breakfast. I expected 8 at the latest, but about flipped when they said 10:00 a.m.!!! Well, just as I expected, I was awake and done sleeping at 6:00. That morning actually turned out to be so much of a blessing that I often look back on it and smile. Sitting out on the dock with a view of the lake and the trees before me and the sound of birds proclaiming their morning hymns to their fullest and sensing the peace that was thick in the crisp morning air, I read, prayed, and sang for a blessed three hours. Starting the day like that, I knew it was going to be a good one.
And it was. We had a bountiful breakfast then sang and had a devotion together. Next we made note cards for a friend of Brittany Martin’s who has leukemia.
By 12:00 ish we were ready to do something active, so we packed a lunch and headed over to the beach to swim. After a few hours there we became pretty tired and decided to go back to the lake house. Well, once there, everyone crashed in the living room for about an hour, and still in our swimsuits, decided to go swimming again! I opted out of this swimming session in exchange for a good nap in the sun. Apparently I missed out.
So, they wanted to float in the lake, but didn’t have any rafts. One of the girls came up with a good solution: life vests! Well, one thing led to another and they ended up putting the life vests on like diapers and floated around like that. The only problem was, if you flip over, its really hard to get back upright:
Below is Brittany Martin, Whitney Stickling, and Lindsey Kieser
The two Emilys’:
Brooke and Emily back at the house before fireworks.
We got to the beach early so we tossed the football, volleyball, and frisbee around.
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