On Wednesday I was supposed to go to a meeting with Dorene for one of the kids I’ll be treating at 1:00. I had all morning to make sure I was completely prepared to make the drive there. Since I don’t know the area at all, driving to schools has been a little daunting. I did everything I could think of to ensure I would get from point A to B. I looked up the address on the school website, got a mapquest map, studied the map, set up my GPS, and made sure I had numbers in my phone just in case. The drive to the Lincoln school was a little over an hour, but I made sure I had thirty minutes to get lost. There was no way I was going to mess up this first meeting.
Well, I get into Lincoln and go to where the GPS directed me and I end up at the district office. I thought it was a little weird because I was almost sure Dorene said it was an elementary school, but there was no way this was wrong so I waited. 1:05 rolls around and I know something is wrong because Dorene said she’d be early. I go in and ask someone and, sure enough, the school is somewhere entirely different. Great, I was twenty minutes late to a meeting which all the child’s teachers, parent, other therapists were at. It was terrible walking in with everyone starring at me like that. Dorene was super nice about it though. She was very understanding and said it happens to everyone. I’m guessing the first week or so is going to be a lot like this, until I figure out where all the schools are.
Anyway, yesterday there was a forecast for rain and you know what that means? No work for Brian!!! This would be our last chance to have a rainy day off together as yesterday was his last day working for Lawnscapes (unless if he decides to work for them next summer). We enjoyed a very relaxing and quiet day together here at our little apartment. Days like these are nice, but not my favorite. When he has a day off, he loves to do things like sleep, watch t.v., sleep….and I tend to get pretty antsy as the day goes on. That might be partly because this is what every day is like for me until work picks up more. So, when he’s home, I have all these big ambitions to have a day full of big things to do. I have to watch myself when I start to get bored that I don’t get snappy. But, other than being boring, yesterday was ok. We don’t have much groceries in the house (I was planning on going today) so we used a gift card and went to Red Lobster for endless shrimp. We both walked out of there gripping our aching bellys. Never eat four helpings of buttery shrimp.
So, today is Brian’s first day at Student Teaching. He will be at Low Point-Washburn Elementary for the first part of the semester and Metamora high school for the next. It’s exciting for sure.
You get snappy?