Friday, October 12, 2012


I just learned the coolest stuff at Bible study last night!!! I’m so excited about it. We’re going through the Beth Moore study on Daniel and last night was only our second session. Anyway, we read through Daniel 2:36-45. The story is when Nebuchadnezzer has a dream and wants the wise men to interpret it without telling them what it was, but they can’t so he threatens to kill them all. Well, Daniel saves the day and not only tells him what the dream was, but also interprets it. So, the dream was of a statue. The head was gold, the chest and arms, silver, the belly and thighs, bronze, the legs iron, and the toes, iron and clay mixed. Daniel goes on the to tell the king that the head is Neb. and his empire. Then the silver, bronze, iron, and .iron and clay are future empires. Here’s the awesome part, get ready for this. In the centuries that followed, history recorded the fulfillment of each prophecy (with the toes being the only exception). Each portion of the statue represents a world empire. The head, as Daniel explained, was Nebuchadnezzer and the Babylonian empire. Moving down to the chest and arms of silver would be the Medo-Persian empire headed by Cyrus the Great. Get this: There are two arms on either side of the body right? Well, Babylonia was bracketed by two regions known as Media and Persia. These took down Babylonia by coming at both sides and became the next world empire. A side note: read Isaiah 45:1-4, this was written 150 years before Cyrus the Great even existed!!! Onto the Bronze belly and thighs: these would be the Grecian empire, headed up by Alexander the Great. Next we have the legs of iron. You’ve probably guessed already that this is the Roman empire. So, you know how the two arms represented two things. Well the Roman empire had a great division going east and west. Now the toes are said to be a future kingdom at the end of the world.

Four parts of the statue, four world empires from Nebuchadnezzer’s time till now!!!!! This is AMAZING!!!! You know why we believe in our God? Because He says things that are going to happen before they occur and then He makes them happen. He is all powerful and awesome!!!!

I’m kind of out of time to fill you in on our lives, so I’ll try to get back to it this weekend. Just thought I’d share that. SmilePeace.

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