Friday, November 2, 2012



Last night I hosted for our women’s Bible study. I loved it! I loved cleaning for it, planning snacks, the anticipation right before the ladies started showing up….I just loved hosting. I’m deffinitely going to want to host events like this. Hopefully Brian doesn’t mind.

This Bible Study has been amazing. Last night after we were done, Larissa shared an answer to prayer and we rejoiced with her, then Brenda told of the hilarious antics of one of her sons and, although she was so embarrassed of what he did, we all laughed together, Jane told us of the trouble she’s been having with her nephew who is living with her. The point is, we’re sharing all these experiences with each other. There is a bond of trust and closeness in this group and it came almost automatically. I’m just so thankful to have the mentorship and friendship that comes with it.

Anyway, this week seemed to fly by again. Is it really November already? I feel like time is just zooming by. It’s funny because in all my life before getting married there was always something huge to count the days for: high school graduation, college, college graduation, getting married..etc. Now there isn’t really anything with a set date. Sure there are big things in the future to look forward too, but it’s not like I can say, “In two years and four months, we’re going to buy a house.” You know what else I realized just the other day? For the entire first half of this year I said over an over that I can’t wait for life to settle down. Well, I was juggling school, the young group committee, planning a wedding, finding a job…Things were pretty crazy. Well a couple days ago, as I cozied up with a soft blanket and the Love Comes Softly books I realize that I’ve reached that point that I’d so dreamed of months earlier. Life has officially slowed down. The wedding is done, the house is all settled in, I’ve graduated, I’m done with the Young Group, I have a job. It’s all reached completion…..sigh….and I’m just so happy.

I did get sick this week on Tuesday. Not sure what it was, some kind of stomach thing. It worked out really well for me to take a half day, so I slept that entire afternoon. By the time we left to go to the Riverplex, I felt better, but absolutely famished. Brian remembered that Taco Bell was giving away free tacos because a base was stollen in the world series so we had that for dinner. (So I guess sports can be useful at times). I had the pleasure of enjoying the Sceggel’s company while watching the first game of volleyball. Our team won all three games.

Tonight we are going on a triple date with Sam and Seth Kieser and Tim and Brittany. I’m so excited! The double dates that we’ve had with Sam and Seth have been so much fun and with Tim and Brittany there this time, I expect it to be just that much more fun. I’m expecting (or hoping) that this becomes a long term tradition. The friendships we have with them are really very precious and I would love to keep them as we all experience life together.

That’s one thing I’m very thankful for, is the many young couple friends that we have. There are so many in Roanoke church that we actually started our own potluck. (not sure if I’ve written about this yet) There are 7 couples now, possibly 8 in the potluck. Fred and Jodi are organizing it and they were afraid of having too many! What a blessing!

These are just some of the things going on. Not much, but it’s my life right now.

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