Friday, October 12, 2012


I just learned the coolest stuff at Bible study last night!!! I’m so excited about it. We’re going through the Beth Moore study on Daniel and last night was only our second session. Anyway, we read through Daniel 2:36-45. The story is when Nebuchadnezzer has a dream and wants the wise men to interpret it without telling them what it was, but they can’t so he threatens to kill them all. Well, Daniel saves the day and not only tells him what the dream was, but also interprets it. So, the dream was of a statue. The head was gold, the chest and arms, silver, the belly and thighs, bronze, the legs iron, and the toes, iron and clay mixed. Daniel goes on the to tell the king that the head is Neb. and his empire. Then the silver, bronze, iron, and .iron and clay are future empires. Here’s the awesome part, get ready for this. In the centuries that followed, history recorded the fulfillment of each prophecy (with the toes being the only exception). Each portion of the statue represents a world empire. The head, as Daniel explained, was Nebuchadnezzer and the Babylonian empire. Moving down to the chest and arms of silver would be the Medo-Persian empire headed by Cyrus the Great. Get this: There are two arms on either side of the body right? Well, Babylonia was bracketed by two regions known as Media and Persia. These took down Babylonia by coming at both sides and became the next world empire. A side note: read Isaiah 45:1-4, this was written 150 years before Cyrus the Great even existed!!! Onto the Bronze belly and thighs: these would be the Grecian empire, headed up by Alexander the Great. Next we have the legs of iron. You’ve probably guessed already that this is the Roman empire. So, you know how the two arms represented two things. Well the Roman empire had a great division going east and west. Now the toes are said to be a future kingdom at the end of the world.

Four parts of the statue, four world empires from Nebuchadnezzer’s time till now!!!!! This is AMAZING!!!! You know why we believe in our God? Because He says things that are going to happen before they occur and then He makes them happen. He is all powerful and awesome!!!!

I’m kind of out of time to fill you in on our lives, so I’ll try to get back to it this weekend. Just thought I’d share that. SmilePeace.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Brian can really eat!


I just wanted to commend my husband for being awesome. First, he went to Karin’s and to the haunted house with me even though he really didn’t want to. Then he showed such a servant heart by waking up at 5 in the morning to drive all the way to Lewiston to help my Dad out and lead the singing. And today, on his day off, he went to work at Lawnscapes. Lastly, as I hate getting up by myself, I woke up with him early this morning and he brought me coffee!!! POINTS for the husband!!! Sometimes I worry that I don’t do near as much for him that he does for me.

Anyway, this weekend has been pretty eventful, so I thought I’d write it down. I have Friday’s off, so that’s when my long Columbus day weekend began. Friday night Dan and Donna took us out to eat at Olive Garden where they are having their never ending pasta deal going on. Donna and I just ate one bowl of fettucini alfredo. Dan eat two and Brian, a whopping three bowls. The funniest thing was when the waitress handed him the second bowl, turned to get an order from another table, turned back to ours and Brian had finished his pasta. Just in time to order another bowl :) The waitress exclaimed, “you ate that very quickly”.

Saturday morning was a quiet one. We didn’t really have anything to do, so Brian mentioned an “art” project he needs to do by next week. He needed to make a football field out of poster board for a game he’s going to teach his students. So, we went to Dollar General for supplies.

For lunch, Grandma Schwind invited us to go out to eat for our birthdays and Megan’s, since she didn’t get to earlier in the year. We went to Destihl in Bloomington. The food was really good and at a decent price. Again, Brian had to impress some people with his eating skills. First he ate all his own food, then half of mine and Megan’s entrees. Then, we were looking at the dessert menu, and saw a carrot cake that was 1 pound. It’s meant to be shared with the entire table. I said something along the lines of, “Brian, you couldn’t eat a whole pound of cake” and the challenge was on. Astonishingly, he ate the behemuth dessert. He regretted it later, but I think the expressions from the waitress and waiter were worth it.

The afternoon was spent walking to Grandmas Schwinds, so Brian could mow her yard. I hung out in the warm indoors and chatted with Grandma. Then it was off to Karin’s for steak. Needless to say, neither of us were ready for another big meal. It was super fun anyway. The Sauder’s were there too. The haunted house wasn’t the best it’s ever been in my opinion, but seeing Brian experience one for the first time was fun.

Here’s some pics from Karins house:

 Haunted House 005Haunted House 007Haunted House 012Haunted House 013Haunted House 015Haunted House 016Haunted House 018Haunted House 020Haunted House 021

Yesterday was the Schwind’s annual cookout where we roasted hot dogs over the fire and played lots of football. I’m so thankful to have married into a family so like the Meister family. It was a ton of fun!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Goings on at the Schwind house


I decided I’m going to try to post every Friday as I don’t work on Friday’s and generally have a little more time. Not that I don’t have time usually. It’s crazy, I get home from work between 3:30 and 4:30 and, once supper is prepared and cleaned away, we have nothing to do. At least nothing with a deadline or of much importance. It’s been an adjustment from my previously crazy busy life, but I’ve learned a strategy that keeps boredom away. I tire myself out at work, so then by the time I come home, I’m too tired to do much else. This means doing the exercises with my kids, chasing after balls, chasing after the kids when they run away from me…(most of which is stuff I have to do anyway, it’s a very physical job!) The only downside to this is that I hit this wall at 9:30 p.m. and I just can’t stay awake. We’ll be watching a game on T.V. and all of the sudden I can’t keep my eyes open. Brian always has to wake me up and guide me (or carry me) from the couch to the bed. Kind of like you would do for a four year old :).

Anyway, some things that are going on in our lives:

I started a cleaning job on Fridays for a lady down the street. Partly for the extra money and partly just to have something to do on my days off. She’s a silly lady. She says your name after just about every sentence: “Now, your going to find the cleaning supplies in here, Rebekah. I want you to wash all the wall in the house, Rebekah. And, Rebekah, if you need anything, you can call me. Rebekah, don’t mind the men moving the new appliances in the kitchen, and if you would, Rebekah, clean up after them, because, Rebekah, they have left so many messes, I just can’t stand the dirt they bring in, Rebekah.” lol

I’ve also been invited to do a Beth Moore Bible Study with 7 other ladies from the church of varying ages. Last night was our first time getting together. I’m so excited about it! It gives me the opportunity to get to know some more people from the church, and will also be great to study God’s word in a small group setting. I’ve been really missing Young Group Bible Studies. The ladies that are in the group are two moms, Brenda and Rena. Rena has four daughters and Brenda has three sons. Two older ladies, Carol and Jane. Larissa Stoller, who is a younger married woman, just a couple years older than me, and Rachel, who is in high school.

The church has this program for Bible class students called W.O.W (Worship On Wednesdays) and it’s like a young group Bible study on Wednesday nights. Brian has been playing guitar for the singing for a long time, so we’ve been keeping involved in that. They set up a rotation with us and another couple in the church to lead the singing and it’s every other week, so we go once a month. It’s fun, and another opportunity to get to know more people from Roanoke church. This Wednesday night it was at Brenda’s house.

Other than all that….Brian and I watch football on Monday and Thursday nights if nothing else is going on. Mondays Bears game was awesome. First of all, I think it was the first game I stayed awake for all the way through. Second, it was actually exciting as there were 5 turnovers, the Bears took the lead and ran with it, ending the game at 38 to 18. Poor Cowboys. I felt bad for Romo, towards the end, you could tell he was totally disheartened. That game put the Bears at 3 to 1 and Cowboys at 1 to 3.

This weekend is an extra long one as it is Columbus day on Monday and we both have off. Brian had a half day yesterday and today off as well due to teacher conferences, so he took the opportunity to bring in a little extra money and work at Lawnscapes. (Just so you know, we aren’t poor, it’s not like we’re desperate for extra money, although it may sound like it through this post) Yesterday, he said it felt good to be good at what he’s doing and not be constantly evaluated.

Student Teaching at Low Point-Washburn has not been the best experience for him. It’s just not the best school district in the area. In fact, one person described it as the “armpit of Woodford county”. Another person said it’s just like teaching at an inner city school. The kids don’t have much respect or motivation to work and obey. It’s frustrating for Brian. And then you have days where crazy things happen. Like one day: he was told that one of his grade school students has an anger problem. This kid was about 4 feet tall and weighed almost 200 pounds, he was a big boy, but Brian hadn’t seen any real behavior problems yet. Until one day, something happened while the kids were in line and this kid gets really mad at another one. He pushes him down and stands over him threateningly. Brian was alone with the kids outside and rushed over to break it up. He pulls the big kid away and tells the other one to get inside. As the other kid runs for the door the big one breaks away from Brian and chases after him. Brian beats him to the door and blocks it, but this child is relentless and Brian had to keep him back. Finally some other teachers came to help. Brian came home looking extra tired that day.

Sorry I don’t have any pictures, I haven’t used my camera in forever!