Friday, November 2, 2012



Last night I hosted for our women’s Bible study. I loved it! I loved cleaning for it, planning snacks, the anticipation right before the ladies started showing up….I just loved hosting. I’m deffinitely going to want to host events like this. Hopefully Brian doesn’t mind.

This Bible Study has been amazing. Last night after we were done, Larissa shared an answer to prayer and we rejoiced with her, then Brenda told of the hilarious antics of one of her sons and, although she was so embarrassed of what he did, we all laughed together, Jane told us of the trouble she’s been having with her nephew who is living with her. The point is, we’re sharing all these experiences with each other. There is a bond of trust and closeness in this group and it came almost automatically. I’m just so thankful to have the mentorship and friendship that comes with it.

Anyway, this week seemed to fly by again. Is it really November already? I feel like time is just zooming by. It’s funny because in all my life before getting married there was always something huge to count the days for: high school graduation, college, college graduation, getting married..etc. Now there isn’t really anything with a set date. Sure there are big things in the future to look forward too, but it’s not like I can say, “In two years and four months, we’re going to buy a house.” You know what else I realized just the other day? For the entire first half of this year I said over an over that I can’t wait for life to settle down. Well, I was juggling school, the young group committee, planning a wedding, finding a job…Things were pretty crazy. Well a couple days ago, as I cozied up with a soft blanket and the Love Comes Softly books I realize that I’ve reached that point that I’d so dreamed of months earlier. Life has officially slowed down. The wedding is done, the house is all settled in, I’ve graduated, I’m done with the Young Group, I have a job. It’s all reached completion…..sigh….and I’m just so happy.

I did get sick this week on Tuesday. Not sure what it was, some kind of stomach thing. It worked out really well for me to take a half day, so I slept that entire afternoon. By the time we left to go to the Riverplex, I felt better, but absolutely famished. Brian remembered that Taco Bell was giving away free tacos because a base was stollen in the world series so we had that for dinner. (So I guess sports can be useful at times). I had the pleasure of enjoying the Sceggel’s company while watching the first game of volleyball. Our team won all three games.

Tonight we are going on a triple date with Sam and Seth Kieser and Tim and Brittany. I’m so excited! The double dates that we’ve had with Sam and Seth have been so much fun and with Tim and Brittany there this time, I expect it to be just that much more fun. I’m expecting (or hoping) that this becomes a long term tradition. The friendships we have with them are really very precious and I would love to keep them as we all experience life together.

That’s one thing I’m very thankful for, is the many young couple friends that we have. There are so many in Roanoke church that we actually started our own potluck. (not sure if I’ve written about this yet) There are 7 couples now, possibly 8 in the potluck. Fred and Jodi are organizing it and they were afraid of having too many! What a blessing!

These are just some of the things going on. Not much, but it’s my life right now.

Friday, October 12, 2012


I just learned the coolest stuff at Bible study last night!!! I’m so excited about it. We’re going through the Beth Moore study on Daniel and last night was only our second session. Anyway, we read through Daniel 2:36-45. The story is when Nebuchadnezzer has a dream and wants the wise men to interpret it without telling them what it was, but they can’t so he threatens to kill them all. Well, Daniel saves the day and not only tells him what the dream was, but also interprets it. So, the dream was of a statue. The head was gold, the chest and arms, silver, the belly and thighs, bronze, the legs iron, and the toes, iron and clay mixed. Daniel goes on the to tell the king that the head is Neb. and his empire. Then the silver, bronze, iron, and .iron and clay are future empires. Here’s the awesome part, get ready for this. In the centuries that followed, history recorded the fulfillment of each prophecy (with the toes being the only exception). Each portion of the statue represents a world empire. The head, as Daniel explained, was Nebuchadnezzer and the Babylonian empire. Moving down to the chest and arms of silver would be the Medo-Persian empire headed by Cyrus the Great. Get this: There are two arms on either side of the body right? Well, Babylonia was bracketed by two regions known as Media and Persia. These took down Babylonia by coming at both sides and became the next world empire. A side note: read Isaiah 45:1-4, this was written 150 years before Cyrus the Great even existed!!! Onto the Bronze belly and thighs: these would be the Grecian empire, headed up by Alexander the Great. Next we have the legs of iron. You’ve probably guessed already that this is the Roman empire. So, you know how the two arms represented two things. Well the Roman empire had a great division going east and west. Now the toes are said to be a future kingdom at the end of the world.

Four parts of the statue, four world empires from Nebuchadnezzer’s time till now!!!!! This is AMAZING!!!! You know why we believe in our God? Because He says things that are going to happen before they occur and then He makes them happen. He is all powerful and awesome!!!!

I’m kind of out of time to fill you in on our lives, so I’ll try to get back to it this weekend. Just thought I’d share that. SmilePeace.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Brian can really eat!


I just wanted to commend my husband for being awesome. First, he went to Karin’s and to the haunted house with me even though he really didn’t want to. Then he showed such a servant heart by waking up at 5 in the morning to drive all the way to Lewiston to help my Dad out and lead the singing. And today, on his day off, he went to work at Lawnscapes. Lastly, as I hate getting up by myself, I woke up with him early this morning and he brought me coffee!!! POINTS for the husband!!! Sometimes I worry that I don’t do near as much for him that he does for me.

Anyway, this weekend has been pretty eventful, so I thought I’d write it down. I have Friday’s off, so that’s when my long Columbus day weekend began. Friday night Dan and Donna took us out to eat at Olive Garden where they are having their never ending pasta deal going on. Donna and I just ate one bowl of fettucini alfredo. Dan eat two and Brian, a whopping three bowls. The funniest thing was when the waitress handed him the second bowl, turned to get an order from another table, turned back to ours and Brian had finished his pasta. Just in time to order another bowl :) The waitress exclaimed, “you ate that very quickly”.

Saturday morning was a quiet one. We didn’t really have anything to do, so Brian mentioned an “art” project he needs to do by next week. He needed to make a football field out of poster board for a game he’s going to teach his students. So, we went to Dollar General for supplies.

For lunch, Grandma Schwind invited us to go out to eat for our birthdays and Megan’s, since she didn’t get to earlier in the year. We went to Destihl in Bloomington. The food was really good and at a decent price. Again, Brian had to impress some people with his eating skills. First he ate all his own food, then half of mine and Megan’s entrees. Then, we were looking at the dessert menu, and saw a carrot cake that was 1 pound. It’s meant to be shared with the entire table. I said something along the lines of, “Brian, you couldn’t eat a whole pound of cake” and the challenge was on. Astonishingly, he ate the behemuth dessert. He regretted it later, but I think the expressions from the waitress and waiter were worth it.

The afternoon was spent walking to Grandmas Schwinds, so Brian could mow her yard. I hung out in the warm indoors and chatted with Grandma. Then it was off to Karin’s for steak. Needless to say, neither of us were ready for another big meal. It was super fun anyway. The Sauder’s were there too. The haunted house wasn’t the best it’s ever been in my opinion, but seeing Brian experience one for the first time was fun.

Here’s some pics from Karins house:

 Haunted House 005Haunted House 007Haunted House 012Haunted House 013Haunted House 015Haunted House 016Haunted House 018Haunted House 020Haunted House 021

Yesterday was the Schwind’s annual cookout where we roasted hot dogs over the fire and played lots of football. I’m so thankful to have married into a family so like the Meister family. It was a ton of fun!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Goings on at the Schwind house


I decided I’m going to try to post every Friday as I don’t work on Friday’s and generally have a little more time. Not that I don’t have time usually. It’s crazy, I get home from work between 3:30 and 4:30 and, once supper is prepared and cleaned away, we have nothing to do. At least nothing with a deadline or of much importance. It’s been an adjustment from my previously crazy busy life, but I’ve learned a strategy that keeps boredom away. I tire myself out at work, so then by the time I come home, I’m too tired to do much else. This means doing the exercises with my kids, chasing after balls, chasing after the kids when they run away from me…(most of which is stuff I have to do anyway, it’s a very physical job!) The only downside to this is that I hit this wall at 9:30 p.m. and I just can’t stay awake. We’ll be watching a game on T.V. and all of the sudden I can’t keep my eyes open. Brian always has to wake me up and guide me (or carry me) from the couch to the bed. Kind of like you would do for a four year old :).

Anyway, some things that are going on in our lives:

I started a cleaning job on Fridays for a lady down the street. Partly for the extra money and partly just to have something to do on my days off. She’s a silly lady. She says your name after just about every sentence: “Now, your going to find the cleaning supplies in here, Rebekah. I want you to wash all the wall in the house, Rebekah. And, Rebekah, if you need anything, you can call me. Rebekah, don’t mind the men moving the new appliances in the kitchen, and if you would, Rebekah, clean up after them, because, Rebekah, they have left so many messes, I just can’t stand the dirt they bring in, Rebekah.” lol

I’ve also been invited to do a Beth Moore Bible Study with 7 other ladies from the church of varying ages. Last night was our first time getting together. I’m so excited about it! It gives me the opportunity to get to know some more people from the church, and will also be great to study God’s word in a small group setting. I’ve been really missing Young Group Bible Studies. The ladies that are in the group are two moms, Brenda and Rena. Rena has four daughters and Brenda has three sons. Two older ladies, Carol and Jane. Larissa Stoller, who is a younger married woman, just a couple years older than me, and Rachel, who is in high school.

The church has this program for Bible class students called W.O.W (Worship On Wednesdays) and it’s like a young group Bible study on Wednesday nights. Brian has been playing guitar for the singing for a long time, so we’ve been keeping involved in that. They set up a rotation with us and another couple in the church to lead the singing and it’s every other week, so we go once a month. It’s fun, and another opportunity to get to know more people from Roanoke church. This Wednesday night it was at Brenda’s house.

Other than all that….Brian and I watch football on Monday and Thursday nights if nothing else is going on. Mondays Bears game was awesome. First of all, I think it was the first game I stayed awake for all the way through. Second, it was actually exciting as there were 5 turnovers, the Bears took the lead and ran with it, ending the game at 38 to 18. Poor Cowboys. I felt bad for Romo, towards the end, you could tell he was totally disheartened. That game put the Bears at 3 to 1 and Cowboys at 1 to 3.

This weekend is an extra long one as it is Columbus day on Monday and we both have off. Brian had a half day yesterday and today off as well due to teacher conferences, so he took the opportunity to bring in a little extra money and work at Lawnscapes. (Just so you know, we aren’t poor, it’s not like we’re desperate for extra money, although it may sound like it through this post) Yesterday, he said it felt good to be good at what he’s doing and not be constantly evaluated.

Student Teaching at Low Point-Washburn has not been the best experience for him. It’s just not the best school district in the area. In fact, one person described it as the “armpit of Woodford county”. Another person said it’s just like teaching at an inner city school. The kids don’t have much respect or motivation to work and obey. It’s frustrating for Brian. And then you have days where crazy things happen. Like one day: he was told that one of his grade school students has an anger problem. This kid was about 4 feet tall and weighed almost 200 pounds, he was a big boy, but Brian hadn’t seen any real behavior problems yet. Until one day, something happened while the kids were in line and this kid gets really mad at another one. He pushes him down and stands over him threateningly. Brian was alone with the kids outside and rushed over to break it up. He pulls the big kid away and tells the other one to get inside. As the other kid runs for the door the big one breaks away from Brian and chases after him. Brian beats him to the door and blocks it, but this child is relentless and Brian had to keep him back. Finally some other teachers came to help. Brian came home looking extra tired that day.

Sorry I don’t have any pictures, I haven’t used my camera in forever!

Friday, September 14, 2012

quick Update on life


Just an update on our lives, there really isn’t much new to report.

My job is still going well. I had to take a day off last week because I was sick, and the funny thing is, Mom was sick the same day! What a coincidence. Other than that, I’ve begun to treat kids and am gaining more independence every day. I’m a little behind on paperwork at this point, but I don’t think I want to do it on the weekend.

Student teaching is going ok for Brian. He said this week the kids were terrible. They wouldn’t listen or quiet down ever. He made the comment that teaching is the hardest job there could possibly be. I think he’s still excited about it, but lately he’s been a little discouraged.

Other than that, we don’t have plans for this weekend. Maybe the pumpkin festival, although, Brian hates it. We’ll see. Adios!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Rainy Day


On Wednesday I was supposed to go to a meeting with Dorene for one of the kids I’ll be treating at 1:00. I had all morning to make sure I was completely prepared to make the drive there. Since I don’t know the area at all, driving to schools has been a little daunting. I did everything I could think of to ensure I would get from point A to B. I looked up the address on the school website, got a mapquest map, studied the map, set up my GPS, and made sure I had numbers in my phone just in case. The drive to the Lincoln school was a little over an hour, but I made sure I had thirty minutes to get lost. There was no way I was going to mess up this first meeting.

Well, I get into Lincoln and go to where the GPS directed me and I end up at the district office. I thought it was a little weird because I was almost sure Dorene said it was an elementary school, but there was no way this was wrong so I waited. 1:05 rolls around and I know something is wrong because Dorene said she’d be early. I go in and ask someone and, sure enough, the school is somewhere entirely different. Great, I was twenty minutes late to a meeting which all the child’s teachers, parent, other therapists were at. It was terrible walking in with everyone starring at me like that. Dorene was super nice about it though. She was very understanding and said it happens to everyone. I’m guessing the first week or so is going to be a lot like this, until I figure out where all the schools are.

Anyway, yesterday there was a forecast for rain and you know what that means? No work for Brian!!! This would be our last chance to have a rainy day off together as yesterday was his last day working for Lawnscapes (unless if he decides to work for them next summer). We enjoyed a very relaxing and quiet day together here at our little apartment. Days like these are nice, but not my favorite. When he has a day off, he loves to do things like sleep, watch t.v., sleep….and I tend to get pretty antsy as the day goes on. That might be partly because this is what every day is like for me until work picks up more. So, when he’s home, I have all these big ambitions to have a day full of big things to do. I have to watch myself when  I start to get bored that I don’t get snappy. But, other than being boring, yesterday was ok. We don’t have much groceries in the house (I was planning on going today) so we used a gift card and went to Red Lobster for endless shrimp. We both walked out of there gripping our aching bellys. Never eat four helpings of buttery shrimp.

So, today is Brian’s first day at Student Teaching. He will be at Low Point-Washburn Elementary for the first part of the semester and Metamora high school for the next. It’s exciting for sure.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

First day of work!

I’m going to LOVE this! That’s what keeps going through my head. Monday was my first day at my new job at Tri-County Special Education Association as a Physical Therapist’s Assistant. It was awesome.

One reason it’s awesome is just the sense of being a professional, a real adult professional. I can’t believe I’m no longer a student and knowing that I worked hard for  this degree, set goals, and reached them feels wonderful.

Other than that, I love the people I’m working with. The Physical Therapist I’ll be working under is so sweet and a really good mentor. The other PTA’s, one in particular, are the kind motherly types. One of them is always smiling. I’m convinced she couldn’t say a mean thing about anyone if her life depended on it. The other is more serious, but in a fun, dry humor type of way. That’s the PT department, but the rest of the people there, the Occupational therapists, Speech Pathologists, Psychologist, secretaries etc. are also all very nice people. That’s what gives the office a great atmosphere.

It’s also very professional at TCSEA. Things are done efficiently and ethically (it helps that the director is a strong Christian).

Anyway, Monday was only an office day. We had two really long meetings and did a lot of paperwork, arranging the office, sifting through equipment, and, for me, getting to know the computer system and meeting people. And, for the rest of this week, it’s up to us whether we want to come in or not. I’m going today to join Dorene, the PT in a training for one of the kids I’ll be working with, and I’ll probably go tomorrow to look up charts and get organized. Next week is when we’ll really start seeing kids.

I’m not nervous. I’m going to be under the supervision of one of the PTA’s (the smiley one, Jennifer) and Dorene for the first 5-6 weeks (or however long is needed, I don’t think I’ll need more than 3 weeks to get into the swing of things) so, really there’s not much pressure on me. They know I’m a new graduate and, although I’m more familiar with the school setting than most, there is a lot they don’t teach you in school about pediatrics.

What I’m most excited for is to meet the kids I’ll be working with. I’ve seen Mom and other therapists in schools develop this bond with their students that is quite amazing. I’ve even experienced it myself when I had a clinical rotation at the school Schramm in Pekin. It was so hard to leave those kids; they taught me so much every day. They are not blessed with good bodies and good minds like we are. Some are deformed, too weak to perform like normal kids, some cannot speak, some cannot move but are aware of their differences, but they go on and learn to enjoy life. I’ll never forget the way one of the children lit up every time his therapist would walk in the door. He loved her and that love gave him joy. These kids are amazing and I just can’t wait to begin working with them and growing relationships with them. I really do feel passionate about this job, something I never dreamed would happen.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Shedd Aquarium


Last Saturday we planned a little trip to Chicago to see the Shedd Aquarium. I’d never seen it before and we had a really empty Saturday. I love how we have absolutely no responsibilities like pets or kids right now. If we want to go on a trip we can just go. It’s so fun being a grown-up :).

Shedd Aquarium 002Shedd Aquarium 005

We left pretty early to try to beat the crowds a little. There was still quite the line to get in.

Shedd Aquarium 008Shedd Aquarium 009

We ended up paying a little extra for the all access pass. With only two people, it really isn’t that much of a splurge. I’m glad we did too, we got to see all the special exhibits, a 4D show, and the Aquatic Show.

Shedd Aquarium 017

The dolphins were my favorite. They really were playful! They would swim upside down, dart in one direction for no reason. I could have sat there for hours.

One thing I wish I could have seen was the belugas, but, the funny thing is, Brian hates them. He can’t stand to look at them. I’m not sure if this is some kind of childhood fear that never matured or what, but he wouldn’t go near their exhibit.

Shedd Aquarium 021Shedd Aquarium 024

Below is the Aquatic show. This was just about the last thing we did.

Shedd Aquarium 026Shedd Aquarium 027

We had to wait about 20 minutes from the time we sat down till the show started and Brian was so tired he started to doze. I’m glad we came early, though, for the seats filled quickly and completely.

Shedd Aquarium 028Shedd Aquarium 031

So, that was a fun day. This last week has been a great one! Brian’s bosses (they’re all related) all went on vacation and the only other employee’s wife had a baby over the weekend, so he got called off on Monday.  Usually with this job he gets quite a few days off throughout the summer due to rain, but not this year. So, it was good to have the day off. Anni came over with Jessica, Bethany, Hannah, and Shelby and we made a Mexican lunch and played a game. Brian isn’t a fan of having my girl cousins over. His family is witty and the conversations are meaningful. With this group of girls (three of which are blond), according to him, “Everyone is spouting off whatever is on their mind and no one knows what’s going on.” That’s something he’s going to have to get used to. I’m terrible at saying things that make perfect sense all the time.

Tuesday, his bosses got home late from vacation, so he got another day off. We were pretty low on groceries and didn’t have enough coffee in the house, so I asked Brian if he would walk with me to the Casey’s about a half mile away. He didn’t want to at first, but once I explained what I’m like without coffee, he hopped right up. Later, Grandma Pfister invited us to her house for lunch. Donna was there along with a few other relatives. It was a great lunch!

On Wednesday I went home for the day.

Yesterday I took it easy and alternated between practicing the piano and guitar. I read a book for a while, watched a little T.V., did laundry, and met Mom and Donna for lunch. To put a cherry on top of a really good day, Brian came home from work early due to the rain.

So, today is my last really free day before I begin work. I’m sooooo excited. Monday can’t come soon enough.

Here are some pictures of our house:

108 N. 5th St. 001

Our living room.

108 N. 5th St. 002

The hallway

108 N. 5th St. 003

This is the guest “bedroom” which is lacking furniture. Really its just a storage room.

108 N. 5th St. 005

This is our bedroom. It looks nice from this view, but that’s because you can’t see the hideous wallpaper on the left side wall.

108 N. 5th St. 007108 N. 5th St. 008108 N. 5th St. 009

It feels more and more like home everyday. I truly do like it here and feel so blessed for it.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Mrs. Schwind

How dramatically life can change.

Sometimes I can’t believe I’m actually married. I dreamed of this ever since I was a little girl and liked to play Mommy and Daddy with my cousins, and now it’s for real. We aren’t play pretending anymore. And, it’s amazing.

So, I was going to let the blog drop. I didn’t have time and didn’t want to keep up with it anymore. But, now that I’m living an hour away from the Lake, I’m spending much more time reading Judy, Rachel, Nathan, and Michelle’s blogs just so I can feel at least somewhat in touch with the family. Which brought me to the decision to get back into this online journal of everyday life because, I honestly want the family to be involved in my life. (Just because I’m on the other side of the river doesn’t mean I’ve fallen off the face of the earth!)

First I want to go back to the wedding day.

Wedding 002

The morning of July 1, did not find Ryan and Steven looking very bright, but they forced some smiles anyway.

Wedding 003

Anni, my amazing, wonderful beautiful sister spent hours on these boquets. They were perfect.

Wedding 004

Last minute stiches.

Wedding 012

OK, I love this picture. It’s so classic it should be in black and white. Ryan was teaching Steven how to tie a tie. Isn’t that just precious?

Wedding 025

Wedding 027Wedding 028

Weddings must bring out the craziness in all of us. Here Sarah S. just attacked Jessica out of nowhere and then they hugged!!! What? Yes, that’s right, they hugged!

Wedding 054

This is right before leaving for the church and we all thought their shorts/boots combination was just so stylin’.

Wedding 056Wedding 069Wedding 074Getting ready in the Sewing room was so fun!

Wedding 093Wedding 097Wedding 100Wedding 104

There are more pictures on Facebook, but these give the gist of it.

Also, Our wedding pictures!!!

Honeymoon 001Honeymoon 003Honeymoon 005

These are the only pictures we took on our honeymoon. I already have a million pictures of Gulf Shores and I just didn’t feel like taking pictures. It was a great trip, though. The strangest thing was to be able to do whatever we wanted without worrying about a group.


Since then, I went with my family and Donna (my mother-in-law) to the Browns-oakridge zoo to hold the baby tiger, Sarge.

Other than that, life has been very quiet for me. Once we got back from the honeymoon I had to really buckle down with the books to study for my State Boards the next Tuesday. That week I studied every day for about 5 hours. It was really stressful and long quiet hours home alone didn’t help. (At that point it didn’t even feel like home yet even) The worst part was dealing with the government with my name change. In order to take the test you have to have two forms of ID. They were picky on what these could be. Drivers license, passport, credit card, social security card, student ID, and voters registration card. Since my name changed, I didn’t have any of these and I had one week to get them. Have you ever tried to get the government to move quickly. It doesn’t happen. Which left me the day before the test balling and scrambling to get something that would work. Four phonecalls to the testing center assured me that a voter’s registration card would work. So, we ran to the Eureka Courthouse and got one.

The day of the state boards. I’m as nervous as I’ve ever been as I hand the lady my two forms of ID. “I can’t accept this” she says as she hands back the voter registration card. I don’t think she realized the utter cruelty in those words. I explained the situation and she did end up letting me take the test, so all’s well that ends well I guess.

And, in case you’re holding your breath, I passed! I am officially a Licensed Physical Therapist’s Assistant!

I feel so grown up. A college graduate. Married. Living in my own home. It’s all so wonderful. And not so wonderful at the same time.

I’m going to share an honest account of what this past month has been like. I don’t mean to complain or give the impression that I’m unhappy. Past all the superficial stuff I’m am overjoyed at my current life situation. But, here’s the thing. Work doesn’t start until August 13th. So, every morning I kiss Brian goodbye and then I’m alone in this quiet little apartment for hours. It’s just not something I’m used to. Back at home, there was always somebody, my brothers, Anni, Mom and Dad, the pets…but here, it’s just me. And that’s been a really hard adjustment. I’ve been able to get out with other people sometimes, but I just can’t seem to schedule in enough things to do. No matter what there are still empty hours.

Well, this doesn’t do much good for our relationship. Poor Brian comes home everyday from his landscaping job hot and exhausted and I’m all full of energy and dying for his attention. Being the oldest, I think I developed some bad habits of teasing growing up, because I’m having teasing withdrawls. That added to my incredible need for attention is not good for a tired working man. His patience has been amazing, but even the kindest of people can’t put up with that much. I’m learning though.

It’s also interesting the way the dynamics of your relationship changes between going from being engaged to married. When we were engaged, whenever we got together there was no question that he wanted to be with me. We drove enough hours to prove it. But, now, living together, there are some times when one of both of us just wants to be left alone. Deciphering when that is is rather difficult.

And, the absolute hardest thing about getting married and moving away is being away from my family. I’ve cried more in this past month due to missing them than I’ve ever cried for one thing in my life. I love my family. They are amazing and we all had (have) such a close and loving bond. I know they are still alive and I am still alive and we can communicate easily enough, but it’s not the same as living with them and being involved in their everyday life, events, struggles, joys, etc. And, I love Brian, I love being married; I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world, but I also miss my family incredibly much.

On the other, more joyful hand, I absolutely adore Roanoke! It’s Mayberry here, I just know it. Literally, everyone waves at you as your driving or walking. Every other house is some friend or relative of the Schwind’s and if you bump into someone you don’t know, it won’t be a long conversation to find a relation. There are no “bad areas of town”. Our neighbors are all over the age of 80 I believe, which makes our neighborhood a very quiet one. We are also just down the street from the nursing home. The church is amazing. I’ve felt very welcome here and not a bit awkward, though it is a struggle to learn names.

So, its all good. One good thing about all this empty time is having the time to spend on things I wouldn’t normally do, like learning to play the piano. Brian is teaching me. And, I’ve been able to spend a lot more time with God. Learning more about Him and developing a closer relationship with Him has been awesome and has certainly made this crazy time of changes much easier.

That’s all for now. I’m going to clean our little house (it won’t take long) and then post some pictures of it, so stay tuned.